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4 Life Secrets You Need to Know to Expand Your Consciousness

The journey each of us takes towards expanding our consciousness is unique. But in the end, we are all going to experience the same things:

  • Our level of awareness will increase.
  • We will form a deep and loving connection with ourselves.
  • Abundance will flow right through us.
  • Our brain function and our creativity will be enhanced.

Meditation and venturing into the Cosmos are not enough to expand your consciousness.

There are also four life secrets you need to know before going down this road and I will reveal them to you in this article.

expand your consciousness

1. Mind Your Words

Words are more powerful than we could ever imagine, yet we never really think about this very often.

They are not just a tool we use to communicate and express ourselves. Words control and shape our lives. The society has shown us how they use words to lie, manipulate, complain, blame and slander, which is what brings suffering to the people around us.

When in fact, the correct use of words is related to a good use of our energy and it can help you expand your consciousness.

They should be used to speak the truth, to promote kindness, compassion, humour, compliments and to share.

Start with yourself first by changing the way you speak to yourself and share love through everything you say.

2. Don’t Take Things Personally

When you take things personally, you are trapped in what it’s called personal importance, which basically means you make the assumption everything is about you.

For example, if someone decides to make you suffer, then it means they are most likely jealous of you, are afraid or have been suffering themselves, as well. So they’re doing it not because you did something, but because it’s how they react to what happened to them and what they’re feeling.

When we stop taking things personally, we will notice a shift in our lives. Our worth will no longer be based on other people’s validation.

We will start living the life we feel is right for us, not caring about what other people think.

3. Don’t Make Assumptions

The most common assumption we can make is that others see life the way we do.

And whatever people say or don’t say, we make assumptions about what they meant, what they wanted to communicate because we simply don’t ask questions.

We do this all the time in our relationships instead of communicating with each other.

We need to replace assumptions with what is real, so be open, be honest and ask questions until you become fully aware of every situation.

expand your consciousness

4. Do Your Best

We should always commit to everything we do fully, which means we should do our best given in any circumstance.

You should invest the energy to expand your consciousness and do the best by taking actions you truly love.

In general, people tend to give their best and put in really hard work when they do things with passion, so focus on finding yours if you haven’t already.

It’s perfectly fine to take breaks as long as you do your best every single time you decide to take actions.

[Bonus] Expand Your Consciousness with Guided Healing Meditation

It takes great discipline to apply these four life secrets, but I promise you it’s all going to be worth it.

If you commit to these things and also to meditating regularly, you will notice anxiety disappears, you will lower your stress level, you will gain a stronger sense of control over your emotions and feelings and you will finally manifest what your heart desires.

Guided meditation is a super-powerful meditation tool which will transform your life because it contains a Summer Solstice Transmission and Pleiadian Light Code Energy Upgrade.

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together, we can make this world a much more harmonious place.