{"playlist":[{"title":"Ground Yourself","artist_name":"This is short and perfect for grounding yourself. You will find this meditation in every section because regardless of whether or not you are using the 3rd eye activation meditations, cosmic journeys, gongs, silence, healing or any other meditation section in the library, it's a must. The reason its in all sections is to remind you of how important it is to ground yourself into the planet. We are human after all and there is so much magnetic energy in the earth. Do this meditation at least once per week.","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/www.starmagichealing.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/06\/165.ground-yourself-1.jpg","duration":"11:22","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":29270}]}