Womb Activation

{"playlist":[{"title":"Womb Activation","artist_name":"Listen to Womb Healing at least 3 times before you listen to Womb Activation. Womb Healing is a 33-day process and Womb Activation is a 13-day process. You can listen to Womb Healing for 3 days and then start the 13-day womb activation and you can then continue on with the Womb Healing, running them side by side. This is extremely powerful. The womb is sacred, the life giver. It\u2019s the creative centre. For centuries, the womb has been under attack and women have suffered greatly. Women carry ancestral and collective trauma from eons of abuse. Healing the womb is of the utmost importance, not just for women, but for humanity and every sentient being that graces these earthly planes. Men also have a sacred cosmic womb, and they can energetically birth ideas into the collective with this womb. Men also carry the collective trauma from women\u2019s suffering and its mission critical that it\u2019s transmuted at every level. Once the womb is healed and then activated, you will be igniting the most powerful creative incubation tank available to any human being. Now you will be able to reach your full manifestation potential. This will take you on a journey you may not expect. Please stay hydrated.","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/www.starmagichealing.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/02\/17thFeb2023_womb-activation-meditation.jpg","duration":"32:22","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":155804}]}