When you look up at the night sky and connect with the cosmos you know you are not alone. You feel a deep connection with all of reality. You are stardust infused with divine light.
You have lived many lives on Earth and on other worlds. Your soul has lived thousands of times in a thousand different galaxies. You are now living many simultaneous lives in multiple dimensions. Now you are focussed on life on Earth and when you meditate or dream you access some of these other worlds too.
Earth is an evolving world with an equal balance of physical and spiritual experiences. It is a great place to learn and evolve as a divine soul. Many millions of starseeds choose to live on earth to experience life and help with humanity as well as Earth’s evolution and ascension.
Most of the information about starseeds and extra-terrestrials came to us from people who connect with and channel the Akashic records. These records contain the energetic imprints of all thoughts, emotions, and events in all the realms throughout all universes.
What Is A Starseed?
Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings originating from other planets and realms. They possess ancient spiritual and scientific knowledge. Most starseeds seek to help all living beings throughout all of the realms and universes. Some starseeds are lightworkers who have physical ancestors from other worlds.
Starseeds are traveling souls from other worlds. They incarnate on the Earth to touch, move, and inspire human beings. They are often powerful energy healers and have missions to participate in Earth’s evolution.
Most starseeds have come to Earth to teach and heal humanity and the planet. Not all starseeds are intent on helping us evolve. Some have arrived on Earth for their own benefit or to support a darker mission. Not every soul on Earth has come with a positive intention based on light and love.
Any soul can become a starseed when another starseed infuses the soul with divine light. This may happen in the womb or at any point in life.
How Do You Know if You Are A Starseed?
You are a starseed when you have an intuition or memory of life beyond planet Earth. You may experience dreams, visions, or memories of being alive on another world. You may also fantasize about life in other galaxies, and have a yearning to live life on other worlds.
You may wonder how you got here and if you will ever return to the stars or heaven. You may doubt that you are a starseed even with real feelings of alignment with other worlds. That is because life on Earth is confusing and distracting and it can difficult to remain grounded when you awaken.
You will have a strong desire to belong to a group or society. This is human nature and you are human too. You are multi-dimensional, human, extra-terrestrial, angelic, and many more. You want to fill your heart with love and inspire others, and you also desire acceptance and connection.
Starseed Purpose and Talents
Starseeds come in all shapes and sizes. A soul seeking its expansion will not require one physical type over another. The soul inhabits a physical form through resonance and alignment and not by choosing an avatar from a menu. Physical attributes have little meaning when it comes to your spiritual evolution and awakening.
All living beings have a unique purpose. Starseeds like the rest of humanity have their specific abilities and talents. Starseeds work in all walks of life and experience a full spectrum of emotions and life situations.
Starseeds are empathetic and have high emotional intelligence. Starseeds bring the life experiences of many worlds to Earth and they possess brighter hearts and keener intuition.
Starseeds from spiritual lineages will have higher levels of intelligence. They also have a more expanded collective consciousness.
Some starseeds are here only to assist human beings as healers or spiritual masters. Others may have come to Earth to heal or transform themselves through selfless acts of helping others and inventing new solutions to solve world problems.
Every soul on Earth has a purpose. We are all pursuing knowledge, experience, and expansion. You are here to seek an expanded consciousness, increase knowledge and intelligence, and fully awaken at any moment.
Connecting With Other Worlds
A Starseed has a more expanded soul and can access and align with the nature of other worlds. Those who have awoken and remembered their starseed origins have opened their hearts and minds, and perceive reality with clarity, love, and wisdom.
You are much more than you might realize. You are not limited by your label, race, or heritage. You are a starseed from one or more of the many other star nations. You can open yourself to the expanded collective consciousness that pervades matter, energy, and information.
If you seek other worlds then call them to you. Remember there is no separation between you and them and there is no time in 5D reality. Be mindful to avoid distractions as the worlds you visit and beings you meet might distract you from the expansion you seek.
Starseed Ascension
Anyone can awaken and expand at any moment. Many people are waking up now in 2020 because of changes in the world you currently live in. Starseeds also have the opportunity to explore their highest self and the many emanations of their incarnations.
To truly transcend, you don’t have to go anywhere. You can do this from your living room. You can choose to enjoy your mind and all the fantasies it conjures up. Your thoughts can lead you into heaven or hell.
Your current version of yourself, including your ego or ‘I’, is a temporary construct. This is the interface you use to communicate with the world. Your ego does not exist. It is a holographic identity that allows you to continually co-create with your parents, spiritual guides, and the culture you choose for this life.
Your small self or ‘I’ is a layer atop a beautiful, powerful, vibrant soul. When you connect with and align with your soul, you have unlimited potential in any direction. Your soul is the authentic you that is selfless and imbued with love and compassion.
Be careful with the labels and temporary self-identities you place upon yourself. Every label is temporary, only partly true, and only applies in the moment. Temporary self-identities have limitations and consequences. Avoid holding onto them so tightly.
You live this life because you were called to this life. Live your life as if you are here in the now. All that you need is inside you. Looking out with science and wonder at the universe is fun, but looking within is where you will truly discover yourself and find your eternal home.
Awaken to your true starseed nature with Infinity. Infinity includes full access to the meditation library, light language transmissions, exclusive documents, interactive workshops, planetary guardian workouts, nutrition blog, and many meditation challenges including the 21-day abundance challenge.
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