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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul.
This little message today is about distractions. Did you know that the crow is the only bird that will try and attack the eagle. What the crow does, it lands on the eagle’s back and it starts to bite the eagle’s neck. You know what the eagle does. It rises higher. It ascends, it goes up through the sky and the crow keeps biting the eagle’s neck, but the eagle doesn’t give up, the eagle just keeps climbing and as the eagle climbs the crow struggles to breathe. So, the eagle keeps climbing and the crow finds it even harder to bite the eagle’s neck.
As it struggles to breathe going higher and higher and eventually the crow falls off the eagle’s back and the eagle just carries on with its day it doesn’t pay any notice it doesn’t give the crow any attention lions don’t lose sleep wolves don’t lose sleep over the actions of sheep. In this world there are so many distractions.
Boris Johnson and his party’s iconic figures in this space here to distract you making you think that they’re one of us that they’ve got our best interests at her different souls and bodies you got people thinking that extra-terrestrials are going to come down and save us, Jesus Christ is going to return and save you from this mess. It’s a load of man this is on you, this is on me, this is on us, beautiful souls. We got to take responsibility, we got to stay focused, laser focused, like the eagle. We’ve got to rise, stay focused on our goal, and carve a new way of being on this planet without getting pulled into the distractions.
Like Novak Djokovic, I think he’s one of us, it’s a big distraction. Everywhere you look there’s distractions trying to stop you and me and us focused on our goals. They want us to think that they’re saviours. Novak Djokovic standing up for humanity, wow, he is our saviour. That isn’t happening. No one’s coming to save us. Donald Trump isn’t coming to save us. No one’s coming to save us. We’ve got to pick ourselves out of this mess and save ourselves. We’ve got to unite as a family, as a species, as a tribe, like a pack of sovereign lions and lionesses, and we’ve got to take control of this green and blue ball that we call home.
We have to stop giving our energy to the system if you take your energy out of the system. The system crumbles. It can’t run and operate without us. It doesn’t work. Stop buying into the things that keep the system alive. Now I know it’s not easy. Okay I use the banks; we got a business. It’s very difficult but we’re doing everything in our power to manoeuvre around that system. Sometimes we’ve got to engage and sometimes we don’t when it’s possible and eventually we’ll quit, and we’ll create ways of making all transactions possible. We got to buy from local farmers markets our foods, grow our own, or barter with someone that’s growing it for some services that you’ve got some products that you’ve got. Let’s exchange energetically right now I’m speaking to you on an iPhone.
I’d love not to be speaking to you on an iPhone, not because I don’t want to speak to you and communicate with you, but I just don’t want to give my energy and power to these massive corporations. There are no other choices now so that’s okay. We’ll play the game and as we play the game, we’ll create new ways of being in this world and carve and blaze new trails. But as we’re carving and blazing these trails, stay focused, don’t get distracted, and keep rising like the eagle. Raise your vibration, don’t get caught up in those low vibrational fear frequencies, those guilt trips. All those energetic streams that they try to steamroll into your space. You’re better than that, you’re an eagle you’re a lion fly like an eagle hunt like a lion.
Wherever you are on this magical planet, beautiful soul, go out into this world, love your sisters and your brothers, love them fiercely and ferociously hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Go let’s open our hearts to stay on that frequency of love. Love’s our greatest weapon. They don’t want us to love because you can’t control love. Love is crazy powerful. Love makes you do crazy dangerous things so let’s be in our hearts beautiful souls let’s keep the vibration high, go out into this world and shine our powerful lights stay focused on the goal and don’t get distracted. You’re amazing, go and shine and I’ll see you again real soon.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one and gangster is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. So, go and express that magical diamond light. Let it emanate and burst from every cell in your body. Shine so bright that it blinds everyone around you. I’ll see you again real soon.
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