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Basic Principles of Quantum Energy and Why You Should Know Them

It’s not uncommon for people to become reluctant whenever they hear about quantum energy and healing. And I know where this reaction is coming from.

On the one hand, there’s little knowledge about physics principles – not to mention quantum theory is something quite hard to get the grasp of at first.

Also, it’s not too often a healing method is presented in such technical terms.

This, however, shouldn’t discourage you from plunging into this entirely new pool of knowledge. On the contrary, as the say goes: “Whatever scares you, go do it.”

Not to say quantum healing is something to be afraid of.

It is, indeed, extremely complex, but along the following lines, I want to introduce you to the secrets of elevated consciousness. All you have to do is follow me with an open heart.

1. Waves and Particles

The first aspect I have to pin down is that quantum physics attempts to study matter on multidimensional levels. That’s why some notions appear as contradictory – the quantum matrix is multi-leveled and is comprised of heterogeneous processes.

quantum energy

Take the nature of light, for instance. It is considered both particle and wavelength. But this kind of electrodynamic is applicable to all other kinds of matter.

Of course, they cannot be wave and particle at the same time. They rather pertain to a third category which presents both wave and particle properties.

This allows for quantum objects to be considered open systems which could convert into gateways for matter exchanges.

2. Light Field

Quantum energy operates in the light field, allowing your being to connect to a higher frequency.

This connection is possible due to the vectorial nature of the light field. Like all electromagnetic waves, light can travel through a vacuum.

That’s why healing methods, like quantum healing, are able to provide such spectacular results – they operate upon the light field, in order to rearrange the energy clusters blocking your radiance. 

3. The Space of Infinite Possibility

The space of infinite possibility? No, this is neither an ad nor a slogan. It’s an equivalent phrase for the zero point energy field.

This notion stands for the lowest energy level of a quantum system after all energy has been drawn away.

Strongly tied to the uncertainty principle, the space of infinite possibility deals with the uncertain nature of exact measurement.

This proves that not even physics is such an ‘exact’ science, since it harbors the possibility of several universes and realities.

quantum energy

Why Should You Care About Quantum Energy?

Matter is everywhere around, in the form of waves, particles and matrixes. You are matter and quantum energy – realizing that, will open up a whole new level of understanding.

Once you access it, you’ll acquire a powerful mindset based on your real worth. Once you set yourself on this path towards knowing the secrets of the Universe, nothing will be able to trouble or distress you.

You are light, binary code, geometry, an electromagnetic source of light exceeding anything remotely physical.

You are chemistry and soul and you deserve to know the real depths of your beautiful being. I am here, every step of the way, to love and guide you all the way into your own cosmic heart.

Will you allow my guided meditations to forge this fascinating journey for you? Will you allow it heal you on a cellular level, at the core of your being?