Trusting yourself takes a conscious connection to your divine source. When you trust this connection, you realize that you are not alone because the divine always has your back.
Complete trust arises from experiencing your connection to the divine energy flowing through you. When you consciously tune into and connect with this energy you are in touch with your infinite nature as unconditional love.
When you align with your natural flow of energy you feel stronger than any situation you can possibly face. With every setback comes even greater transformation. You perceive problems, challenges and difficulties as stepping stones for such change.
You venture into the unknown territory of your own inner being when you trust yourself. Trusting yourself and your inner guidance informs you as to how you perceive and respond to all challenges in life. It gives you the personal power to express love and flow with the stream of life.
Stop looking for trust outside of yourself. When you lack self-trust because you fear that by letting go you will lose everything. If you don’t trust yourself you will live life in a perpetually guarded state, disconnected from your true source of energy. Drained and confused, you may seek comfort in external things and put locks on your heart to feel safe and secure.
When you open your heart, you break the spell of not trusting yourself and let go of your fear and self-doubt. This creates the energetic space for the universe to assist you. Trust kicks in and opens you to all the possibilities on your soul’s path. When you trust and let go, something greater than you can imagine comes your way.
Trust is a whole and complete energy. It is the energetic space between your fear of living and your life working out well. Each time you follow your heart and love yourself, you build trust in yourself. Also, when you make a choice the universe shows you if you are in trust or not.
To trust is to boldly lead with your heart honestly and openly and reveal your truth. This includes your inner thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Acknowledge your internal fears, hurts, and imperfections and act in the face of them. Trust yourself to let go and embrace your vulnerabilities. This is one of the most courageous actions that you can make in your life. By being bold and compassionate you co-create the invisible bridge of trust that gets you to the other side of your fear and anger. Then your life flows easily and your problems become opportunities.
Trust plays a huge role in your relationships with other people. To forge harmonious relationships you always trust yourself and the other person even when the going gets tough. The spiritual field is full of people who were let down by other people and felt that they could not rely on anyone. People let them down so they turn towards something else for connection and support.
The thing that many sensitive people turn to is spiritual or religious practice. They seek connecting with the divine, the universe and God, without fully connecting with themselves. The danger is that this easily becomes a way of coping with not relying on anyone in life or not loving oneself.
Trust is the basis of a genuine loving relationship or friendship. When two or more people are together they are responsible for the best interests of themselves and their partner. It is important that you are honest and authentic about what you really want and what you really need. Then with honesty and integrity you communicate this powerfully to the other person.
It is mission critical that you are in alignment with yourself, others, and your environment. You stay calm and balanced when you align and resonate with your environment and flow like water through life’s challenges and changes.
Every life situation is an opportunity for spiritual growth, often revealing the fabric of your life, warts and all. Brave and loving, you know that you are the co-creator of your reality and you have the power to manifest your heart’s desires.
Trust in life and in the world becomes natural when you trust in yourself and others and operate in your power. Then you are in action and nothing holds you back and it feels like you are guided by your heart and soul. Everything becomes effortless in life and you make miracles happen.
You know deep within your heart that what happens in your life is consciously and divinely orchestrated for your greater growth and good. You see the divine order in everything around and within you. You also let go of trying to control your life and allow the simple unfolding of it.
The spirit world is vast and complex and has many overlapping frequencies and densities. Trust your guides and ask them to help you become more familiar with the spirit world. Your guides will show you how to trust your gut and read the images or messages you receive. You can also ask your guides to bring friends into your life that are trustworthy and solid people. Also, the more you meditate on the visions of the third eye the easier it will be to trust spirit.
When you start seeing synchronicities your trust will grow. The more you meditate and ask for advice the more validation you will get when you follow the advice you receive. Information may come through dreams or through healers who are experienced with connecting to guides. When the things they say are highly accurate it becomes easier to trust.
Moving into trust allows you to stay in a high vibrational frequency. This allows you can attract better things to you. It allows you to move out of fear or frustration and you are happier and more abundant. Trust comes from practicing and focusing on trust. Remember that spirit is on your side all the time.
Acknowledge yourself as a strong, loving, and confident person connected to your source. Close your eyes, open your heart, and trust the spiritual information that comes through you. Then in daily life observe yourself and notice when you are afraid of making a choice or stepping into your light. Let your body be your guide and its feelings and sensations. Sense or feel where your energy is blocked and discover what they are telling you to let go of.
Repeat any of these mantras to yourself: “I trust that everything always works out for my highest good”, “I am strong and can handle any challenge that arises in my life”, or “I embrace my challenges as opportunities for transformation.”
Breathe in deeply and slowly to ground yourself and look within yourself. Breathe out, and look out to the world with love of others. Continue this until you feel calm and centred. Trust yourself and all that you created.
Trusting yourself is the most important spiritual principle on the path to a soul-hearted life. It gives you the opportunity to release whatever keeps you disconnected from your true being. Trust is the ticket to a full life without holding back any part of you.
To trust yourself is to love yourself and open yourself to love even when you are afraid of being hurt. You allow yourself to experience life by resisting nothing and allowing everything. The more you let go the more you learn to trust yourself. The more you trust yourself the more you let go. So let go, trust yourself, and be free.
You can build more trust in life, love and spirit with the meditations in the Star Magic meditation library.
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