Distant Healing is a way of receiving a treatment in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. It is conducted like a normal healing session with the difference that the therapist & client are at different locations. This is just as effective as a ‘normal’ treatment session, in fact it can even be more effective since the stress is taken out of the travelling and adjusting to a new location.
Distant Healing is a natural non-invasive, holistic, complementary therapy that has been around as long as the history of man. We are all Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit and we are made of energy/vibrations and so is everything around us. Energy/vibrations can travel infinitely (globally/universally) and there are no space or distance restrictions. Energy travels where intention goes, this is how the distant treatment technique works and it does not matter where in the world the client is located.
It is not necessary to be ill to benefit from healing.
Healing is a great tonic, and if you are well, it will help you stay that way. In fact it will elevate your life.
It is neither necessary to have faith or belief for healing to work.
If you would like to book a private healing with me click here: Private Healing
If you would like to hear what my clients have to say then please click here: Testimonials
I look forward to connecting with you.
With Passion & Energy,
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