In this video, Jerry talks about energy healing and how to open your heart, and the magnitude of power and potential that you can harness once your heart is fully open. The quantum field is an energetic architecture that can be changed in any way shape or form, using codes and frequencies. Healing should be fast. It shouldn’t take time and when you know how to play with the cosmic fabric, all things are possible. Energy healing should be easy. It should also be fun. If you want to be able to facilitate the energy healing sessions of others, listen to and watch the full Energy Healing Secrets Video Series. Preparation is the most important part of the energy healing puzzle. The higher your vibration, the clearer you are, and the more light that is available in your physical body and your light body, the more of a powerhouse you will become.
The frequency of the heart is mission-critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing protocol is very much needed for effective distance healing. Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands-on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer. if you want to be a powerful energy healer then you must practice. You must prepare your light body and you must practice daily.
These videos give everyone a basic foundation into Star Magic Facilitator Level 1 Training Experiences and what’s in store. These videos are by no means a replacement for what takes place during our training. For more info on Star Magic Training visit:
I highly recommend you go back and watch the first video in the ‘Energy Healing Secrets’ series again, and go through the entire series.
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I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul.
So welcome to this energy healing secrets video. If this is the first energy healing secrets video that you’ve watched in the series, then once you’ve finished go to the link underneath this video and go back through the entire series and get up to speed with what I’ve been sharing. There are some truly life-changing tools and once you apply them to your life. You’ll get massive verifiable results on yourself and clients that you’re working with. So put them to good use beautiful soul because there’s no point having this toolbox and just leaving it on the side and never opening it and getting those tools out.
You got to apply, you got to practice, you got to be disciplined and dedicated to your healing mission. So, now I want to share with you today some more insight onto opening the heart. We run guided meditation groups all over the planet and one of the things that people really struggle with is opening their hearts. How am I supposed to open my heart jerry? Do you mean my physical heart, my heart chakra? How do I connect to it, how do I open it? How do I get it to blossom and bloom? To those that know how to do it this seems very simple. To those that don’t it can seem like a mission that’s just impossible. But once you get there and you crack it, and you feel it and you get that kind of opening and that feeling, and that sensation and the joy starts to pour.
There’s no going back, you cross a line in the sand. You’re never going back from it because it’s just so magical on the other side which isn’t really on the other side. The other side is inside of you. It’s what you are all along. You’ve just got an open and allow and be what you are, this magical essence, this universal substance inside of you, love, joy, bliss, divinity. Let it spill out from inside from the depths of this cosmic universe that lies in the centre of your chest.
So, in one of the other energy healing secrets videos I got you to just rub your palm gently like this. You can rub both palms gently in a clockwise direction and when you rub them gently 10, 20, seconds and you take your hand away. You’ll feel a very slight sensation in the palm of your hand. This energy is frequency. You can do the same thing with your heart. You can tap it tap your heart chakra right in the centre of your chest, not your heart, slightly over to the left but the centre of your chest in between your pecs on your chest plate. Just tap it and feel it. Close your eyes and just tap it gently and feel it and then let go and just feel that area. Bring all your awareness into that area and feel it and then tap it again and then stop and just feel that area. Bring all your awareness into that area and keep your eyes closed.
Focus on this area and what I want you to see in the centre of your chest or visualize in the centre of your chest exactly where your heart chakra is a golden flower. It could be a golden rose it could be a golden tulip, it could be a golden sunflower. It doesn’t matter. You choose the flower. I want you to visualize the flower in the centre of your chest and keep your awareness in that area where the flower is and then tap it again. Keep breathing deeply as you’re doing this with your eyes closed, with your awareness in the centre of your chest. Stop tapping and feel that area and visualize that golden flower. Keep breathing in through your nose down to the pit of your stomach back out through your mouth, long slow deep breaths. Let’s become presence cantered in this space. Tap it one more time and now see that golden flower getting stronger as you tap this area. The area that you’re tapping should be in the centre of the golden flower. Just tap it gently and keep breathing.
Keep all your awareness in the centre of your chest visualizing that golden flower. Bring your awareness into the golden flower and then stop and feel that area. You’ve been tapping those subtle energies, tune into them now as you’re breathing. I want you to see that flower whether it’s a sunflower or a rose or a tuna or another flower. See it opening. See the flower opening and opening and opening and as it opens, I want you to see lights flowing out from it forwards and then see the flower continue to open and expanding and the petals like folding back on themselves so the light can start to flow forwards and out to the sides. Then see the flower unfolding more and more until that light starts to flow around the back to the left and to the right tap your chest one more time.
Feel that area bring your present state of awareness into this area and visualize that flower opening. Feel that flower opening and then stop tapping. Feel that area. See that golden light starting to flow out through the back of your hands. See it flowing up through your chest down through your body like a golden ray of sunshine expanding. Your heart is opening and opening. As you open your heart you realize there’s an infinite supply of love wisdom energy inside of that beautiful divine feminine magnetic heart of yours. Keep breathing long slow deep breaths and I want you to see and feel this golden light flowing out into your space.
Keep your eyes closed, keep breathing and as you’re breathing with your eyes closed and this golden light is flowing out from you, with your awareness in the centre of your chest I want you to say “I am love. I am love. I am love.” and as you say those words feel your heart expanding and opening more and then continue to say in your “I am love. I am love. I am love.” and as you say those words feel the energy in your chest bursting and bubbling and flowing out from your centre and it will keep flowing because this energy is infinite. There is no start. There is no middle. There is no end. You are love, my sister, my brother, my friends. You are love. Allow your heart to blossom and bloom see it opening and opening as you continue to say “I am love. I am love. I am love. All that I share is love, all that I emanate is love. “I am love. I am love. I am love.”
As you say these words in your minds, fill your heart with light, feel your heart smiling. As you have your eyes closed look into your heart and see a great big smile in your heart space, a huge great big golden smile as your hearts the energy flows out past the boundaries of your physical body into the empty space. This energy this love it starts to fill up your room. Stay in this space and open your heart until your light fills up this room from top to bottom, front to back, left to right. Maybe you’re outside in nature. If you are let it fill up the streets or the field or the park. Don’t stop. Allow this light to flow and expand to increase to elevate to get stronger and brighter. “I am love. I am love. I am love.” Feel yourself being cocooned in a bubble of golden light.
As you’re breathing into your body, I want you to become aware of mother earth down in the centre of her heart she has a Merkabah, the top tetrahedron is electric green, the bottom one is platinum. I want you to connect to the platinum frequency in the bottom tetrahedron and I want you to see a platinum light to flow up through the rocks and the minerals up through the surface of the planets up through your root, sacral, solar plexus up into your heart. See this platinum light flow up into your heart and as it flows into the flower the golden flower of your heart. The platinum light starts to transmute into gold, and it amplifies the frequency. The energy gets stronger in your body and the field of light of love flowing out from your heart gets stronger and stronger.
As you continue to breathe into this magical body of yours feel the love it’s what you are a divine ray of cosmic lights here in this physical body having this human experience. Just be in this space. There’s that magnetic light that magnetic frequency flows from mother earth’s heart up into your heart fuelling you amplifying energizing taking you to the next level of love. “I am love. I am love. I am love. all that I emanate is love, joy, bliss, divinity. I am a child of the universe.” Your heart opening and opening and opening and that golden light surrounding you as you bathe in this magnetic frequency this divine essence inside this golden love bomb. You can use this energy for anything you want. You can use it to heal yourself you can use it to heal others. This energy is so powerful. Love is the glue that makes every healing possible.
Continue to stay in this space and breathe with your eyes closed and feel this golden light all around you getting brighter and stronger as your heart opens and opens. There are no limitations no boundaries. Love is infinite. Feel this, know this. You are love. Energy comes from the earth; your wisdom comes from the stars. I suggest you go back and watch all the energy healing secrets videos and get up to speed. If you have, I want you to start to become aware of your body, the vibration in your bones, the tingling of your cells, the frequency in every muscle.
We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, we’ll open our eyes. Come back into this space and just be. Five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just take your time. There’s no hurry. You are magical. You are powerful beyond measure and your heart is the key to your power. This energy this mind-blowing. I recommend you come back and do this as a daily practice and don’t stop until your heart is just fully bloomed and open 24/7 365. You become a walking talking beacon of love because that beautiful soul is when you become an epic healer, when love is just emanating from you. When light is emanating from you pouring out from you. Light and energy are information, and this light is intelligent. It knows what to do you don’t have to tell it will naturally create and evolve and amplify beauty, wonder, and excitement but you must connect with it.
You must open your heart, this part of you, but so many of us close our own hearts. We close our hearts to protect ourselves. We close our hearts through fear. Many of us are conditioned that it’s not good to feel love. We’re conditioned to feel fear, but we get to choose love or fear in any situation. There are two ends of the same spectrum – love or fear baby. what are you going to choose it’s entirely up to you as you get to choose. We always get to choose in every situation. We get to choose how we feel we get to choose how we think. We get to choose the action that we want to take but you must realize that you have these opportunities to make the choices that you want to go in the direction that you want, not to be railroaded and manipulated by the world around us and the people that live in it and the systems that are in place.
You can override whatever you want because you are everything. Everything rolled into this human vehicle. You have so much divine potential. You’re a superhuman waiting to be reborn so rebirth yourself, beautiful soul. Don’t hang around and as I said go back and check out all these energy healing secrets videos. The information that you’ll receive in these energy healing secrets videos is going to help you massively on your healing journey. A lot of people ask why we would want to come to your facilitated training, the five-day the seven-day training that we run with star magic.
Well, what we’re sharing with these energy healing secrets videos is the tip of the iceberg. When you come to facilitated training, it is beyond anything that you could possibly imagine, way beyond but what I’m sharing with you in these videos is going to give you a massive foundation and maybe that foundation is all you need.
But if you truly want to master yourself, you’d come to the training but in the meantime, check out all these videos. Remember beautiful soul go out into this world, hug your sisters and brothers so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously because the world needs it right now. The world needs you to shine. It wants you to shine. It’s waiting for you to express your own divinity. It’s why you came to this planet.
Remember, beautiful soul to check out our website Check out our training videos, check out our ascension tools inside infinity – meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, ascension, nutrition and so much more. You can connect with our tribe on our private telegram group and communicate daily with like-hearted souls just like you on this divine mission.
Remember to subscribe to the YouTube channel if you haven’t already and share these videos with your friends, with your family, with your loved ones. Together we really can make this world a much more harmonious place and everyone needs a little healing so share this beautiful content and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. Your mind, body, and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. It is completely life changing. Go out and shine your light, speak your truth, live your truth and be your truth and I’ll see you again real soon. I love you so much.
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