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Energy Healing Secrets I How To Use Effective Holograms To Heal


Here are my secrets, learn to use effective holograms now.


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Today beautiful soul I want to share with you some top tips when it comes to using holograms in energy healing and specifically when it comes to using holograms at distance.

When you’re in a space with another human you don’t necessarily need to use a hologram. You can use their physical body and work on them directly with hands-on healing. But when you’re working a distance, the person isn’t there. So, creating a great link, an awesome hologram and connecting that hologram to the person that you want to work with is of the utmost importance.

Okay now what is a hologram? A hologram is something that you decide to see or visualize in your space that is a representation of the human being that you want to work on. So, I could use this phone as a hologram. I could use this pen as a hologram. You could use a teddy bear. You could use anything you want. A light bulb or plant pots. Now what I share with people when I’m training people to heal with Star Magic is to bring up empty shell of a human so what you do is you would visualize the heads the shoulders the arms the hands the waist the hips the buttocks the legs the feet. but just an empty shell so it’s just like an outline of a human. It doesn’t have to look male, doesn’t have to look female, doesn’t need any details. Okay, this is simple kids’ stuff.

So, you visualize this empty hologram and then what you do is you entangle this hologram with whoever it is that you want to work on. So how do you do that? It’s very simple. With your intention there are many ways to set the intention to connect the hologram to the human that you want to work with. But the simplest is just to open your heart and connect with this hologram. The heart is so important, the heart that magnetic energy it’s what infuses and creates and sends the wave of light information strength direction through every single healing session. So, opening your heart is mission critical.

You consciously open your heart and see light flowing from your heart into the hologram that you’re working on and then you can say “this is the hologram of …”, then you say the person’s name. This is the hologram of x; this is the hologram of x. Say it three times, but you say it with conviction with strength like you really mean it and you really feel it and then whatever is in your space becomes that other human being. I mean I’ve demonstrated with a phone how to correct a c-shaped spine. I’ve demonstrated many different things using a phone. I’ve demonstrated many different things in our trainings using empty holograms like the one that i just explained to you. I’ve used flowers, I’ve used empty toilet rolls all sorts of different things just to prove that you can entangle anything with anything.

For simple purposes you just visualize this empty hologram and then you entangle it. This is the hologram of this is the hologram of this is the hologram of you open your heart into the hologram. Now you’ve set this perfect space. Now it doesn’t matter whether this person is a hundred meters down the road from you or they’re all the way around the other side of the world – Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China. It doesn’t matter in the quantum field. There is no time, there is no distance, there is no measurement beautiful soul. So, you can entangle anything with anything. It’s very simple and then you go to work.

Now how do you go to work? Well, there are so many ways just like there are so many ways of setting up this hologram. What I share with people is this: whenever i go into a healing session I always ask one very simple question and the question is this “please show me something i don’t know to help me facilitate the healing of this incredible human being” and then the universe taps me into the infinite sea of possibility, the infinite sea of potential. You see Star Magic isn’t the system. I’m not interested in what i know. I’m not interested in the way that I’ve done other healing sessions before and I’ve done thousands. What I’m interested in is finding out what I don’t know about the human being that I’m about to work on because when you ask that fundamental question “please show me something I don’t know” you tap into what it is that you don’t know, and you’re presented with information. You may be presented with something inside the hologram, something around the hologram and then what you do is you go to work and you. Start to play with that information. You might see a blue banana with bumblebee wings. You might see a red star.

The universe talks to you and communicates with you shapes, symbols, things that you can kind of understand and recognize. That’s a little bit easier for the left brain to handle. In real terms what the universe is doing is creating or communicating with you in quantum codes and that can be geometry, colours, frequency, but a lot of us can’t see the colours the frequency, the geometry. Or if we do, we don’t understand it, so they show us in terms of a simple pattern, a simple square, a simple shape, a simple image. Once you get that image you can say what am I supposed to do with the red star what am I supposed to do with this shape, and you might get a voice put it in the left shoulder. So, you just put it in the left shoulder of the hologram. Now you don’t really know what that red star is, but the red star is going to create the healing.

Several years ago, a lady came to Star Magic, and she was the niece or the daughter of this older lady who lived in India and this elderly lady was in hospital with a blocked-up throat and she was being fed for a drip fed for a tube and the doctors were like we can’t feed her, we may as well just stop. This is the end of her life and anyway, her daughter reached out for some healing, so I agreed to. “Please show me something i don’t know to help me facilitate the healing of this incredible human being” and the first thing i saw was a green frog just up here in my space. Now the green frog it spat some blue venom down into a jar that just appeared in the empty space and then a blue light came down from space and mixed with the venom and in my mind, I knew that I had to get this venom into the lady’s body, so I got an imaginary syringe. I sucked it out of the jar stuck it into the back of the hologram of the lady. I was working on and injected it. The next day she walked out of hospital. What is the green frog? What is the venom? What is the blue light? I don’t know but does it matter?

The universe talks to us in code, in patterns, in pictures and symbols and all we’ve got to do is trust the process. I know it sounds a little bit crazy if you’re not used to this stuff. What I’d like you to do is to test this stuff. Speak to your mum, speak to your brother, speak to your husband, speak to your wife, speak to one of your kids and say listen I want to try something.  I’d like to give you a little bit of healing. I’d like you just to go and lie down on the sofa on the bed just for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and just take some nice long deep breaths and what I’m going to do is I’m going to go into the bedroom so you’re in another room so you can’t see them.

You’re going to bring up their hologram and what you’re going to do is just open your heart and entangle the hologram. This is the hologram of, and you say their name three times and then I want you just to open your heart as wide as you can and just shine light into their heart. see violet light pink light gold light flowing out from your heart into their hearts. Do nothing else and then go and see them 10 minutes later and ask them how they felt, and you will see they felt something. It works and then if you decide you can maybe go to the next level, please show me something I don’t know. Now what is important is, if you bring someone’s hologram up in the empty space, is you get rid of it after because if you leave someone’s hologram up in the empty space and it’s entangled with them there could be some other energy coming through the empty space that spots it. Now that energy might not be a very nice energy.

They might start playing around with that hologram and it’s like a voodoo doll. They could do things to it, stick needles in it, do horrible things, and make the person feel depressed, negative. It could even injure them. This is the level that we’re working at when we really know what we’re doing with energy. So, make sure you get rid of the hologram and to do that you can just scrub it out of the empty space. You can blow it up in light, you can dissolve it. Just make sure that you can’t see it anymore and it’s completely gone. You could even say dissolve the hologram or dissolve the holograms now of say their name and make sure it’s gone. Make sure you get rid of that hologram. What you don’t want is to have loads of holograms that you’ve left in the empty space because that can be detrimental. Trust me I’ve seen it.

Now this is just a basic introduction on holograms, very simple, beautiful soul. The other thing is you can use multiple holograms and ‘m going to cover multiple holograms in the next video that I share. You’re going to start to see a lot more videos from me on energy healing and basic simple techniques that you can use to facilitate the healing of yourself or other people and the reason I’m going to start sharing more of these videos is because the world needs healing right now and the world needs a sword to be able to step in at least to our basic healing capacity so we can heal ourselves, we can heal other people,  so we’re not reliant on anyone, anything, any company, any industry, to heal these beautiful magical bodies of us because we were designed to self-heal, we were designed to self-regulate, we were designed to be absolutely flipping awesome,  and you’re no different, beautiful soul.

So, wherever you are on this magical planet go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. never ever, ever, ever, ever, be the first to let go. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to subscribe to this YouTube channel, hit the notifications button and come back and check the channel out regularly just in case you miss a notification from YouTube because they forgot to send it.

Every time you engage in one of these videos you are healing because I’m always sending out codes. I’m always sending out light and I’m always speaking from my heart, beautiful soul. I know you can feel this so every time I share a piece of information with you, you’re always getting a little bit of healing too. Isn’t it beautiful. Remember to share these videos with your friends and your family. Together we really can make this world a much more harmonious place and beautiful soul don’t forget to check out our website

If you want to find out more about healing, if you want to check out all our ascension tools, meditation, light language, yoga, nutrition, we got some of the best high vibrational tools on the planet. So go and check them out and remember you are loved, you are cared for, the universe loves you. I love you your sisters and brothers beyond the veil of illusion and always watching out for you always beautiful soul and this magical heart of yours. This is the key to everything. All the questions, all the answers are inside of here, so you haven’t got a look too far.  I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul.