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Over these next few minutes, I’m going to take you through a very powerful and short DNA Activation to amplify your energy, activate your soul essence and turbo charge your vibration. So, I invite you to close your eyes and come into this space with me. Close your eyes and breathe into your body. Breathe deeper and longer and slower. Feel your body, feel the space and be here now.
As your breathing into your body, your powerful, magical body, you’ll become aware of a beautiful diamond octahedron vibrating around the outside of you. This diamond octahedron is three meters tall. An octahedron is like two pyramids stuck together base to base. The top apex is up over your crown, the bottom apex is down below your feet and in the ground and this diamond octahedron is spinning clockwise. As it spins, it starts to draw in a very powerful masculine frequency from Sirius and it also draws up a very powerful feminine frequency from Mother Earth’s crystalline grids.
These two light streams flow up through the rocks and the minerals, down through Mother Earth’s atmosphere, down through the skies from Sirius, down through the roof of your space, down through the octahedron, down through your crown and into your heart. There’s an explosion of light as the feminine energy flows up through the surface of the planet, up through your root, up through your body and into your heart. Boom. The feminine and the masculine frequencies collide in your heart space and a powerful diamond fire starts to burn. Within this diamond fire is an amethyst merkaba field. The top tetrahedron rotates clockwise, the bottom one anti-clockwise and streams of code start to flow from the amethyst merkaba, down through your body and into your root, down into your perineum, connecting to your genesis cells that store all the information past, present and future.
Everything that ever has been and ever will be, all your potential is stored in these eight cells. As these eight cells activate, information starts to flow up through your central column. It starts to flow through your nervous system and into every cell of your human body. As your heart expands and expands and expands, filling up your chest, expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the empty space. I’m going to open my heart and connect with you, as golden DNA activation codes flow from my heart into yours, they communicate with the amethyst merkaba field and the masculine and feminine frequencies from Sirius and Mother Earth. Different sets and subsets of Master Codes are created, and they flow through your body into every cell, all 75 to 100 trillion, start to vibrate and illuminate.
As this diamond octahedron spins faster and faster around your physical body, your DNA is being switched on activated. As energy rises through your body, you feel calm and peaceful, relax. As those masculine and feminine energies create a beautiful vortex in your heart that creates wholeness through your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. You are amazing. A galactic titan from the stars, a lioness, a lion, a God, a Goddess. You are everything and nothing all at the same time, powerful beyond measure. As you vibrate in this space, your DNA being activated, these golden codes rushing through your system, I’m going to close my heart and disconnect as the activation completes.
You start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be. Take your time. There’s no hurry. Five, four, three, two, one, zero. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be. Take your time. There’s no hurry. Come back and do this meditation, this short activation for two more days. This is day number one. You’ve got two days to go. Your whole frequency is going to shift, and abundance is going to flow through your life. Love, joy, self-respect, wisdom will be unleashed on a cellular level, and magic will flow through your life. This is a whole new level of frequency, beautiful soul.
If you’d like to listen to more meditations like this, you can take our Seven Day Meditation Challenge for Free right now at Go out into this world, shine your light. Love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go and I’ll see you again real soon. One Love, One Heart, One Human Family. Peace Out Beautiful Soul.
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