Time is a funny old thing. Time is a human invention to describe the process of change we all experience individually and collectively. It also appears to have no beginning or end. Yet our perception of time often deviates from the physical nature of time. We experience time running slowly when we focus on it, such as when we are bored, or perceive time passing quickly when we are not focussing on it, such as when we are having fun at a party.
We become obsessed with time and find time an irresistible obstacle in the light of what we are aiming to achieve in our precious human lives. We may feel limited or chained by time and project our fears and hopes onto the backdrop of time. These attitudes reinforce our perception of the sands of time running through our hands. We often dwell in the events of the past or the concerns of the future.
Chronos is chronological or sequential time and has its origins in ancient Greece. This is time we measure with our clocks and which we observe through the motion of the sun in the sky and the passing of the seasons. Kairos is a moment of indeterminate time in which an event of significance happens, such as when you have an out-of-body experience or when time slows down or freezes when you avoid a car accident.
Chronos is our masculine linear external experience of time. Kairos is the feminine internal intuitive perception of time.
When time slows down or stops still we shift from Chronos and enter Kairos. There we experience the multi-dimensional nature of time. This is where ideas, visions, living energies and beings, and dreams appear to our perception. The feeling is eternal and almost in a moment. At our heart there is a feeling of abiding in the moment yet very little physical time has elapsed.
Time feels like a wave of motion in a vast still sea of ether. It washes through you and everything around you. Time feels like a thief stealing your youth and also as the kindest of guides when experiencing the birth of your first baby and their growth and evolution into children.
Time feels eternal and infinite. We cannot see a beginning or end to the continuum of change that defines our lives. It appears to exist forever and goes on forever. We may also feel that time is an illusion and know only the present moment exists like the laser writing onto a vast crystalline disc. The present moment is all there is. Past and future are illusion.
We feel the flow of time throughout the day. When we drop into our hearts and feel each day we sense the changing energy of the dark of night transform into the light of dawn and all the way through to dusk and night again.
There is a cadence in the passage of life, nature and human life. Mondays to Fridays have the same general feel as we work, go to school, do our daily chores, and experience an increase in human activity around us. Saturdays feel more exciting as we feel the group energy of our popular culture of sports, shopping and partying. Sundays feel peaceful and calm as we relax, recover, recharge, and focus on spiritual activities. Traditionally Sunday is a day of rest and preparation for the oncoming week.
Shamans have lived and resonated for thousands of years. They work with the cycles of the year and the medicine wheel of living in harmony with the changing seasons. We too can also deeply connect with nature and witness the transformation of the deep winter cold to spring life and more sun. Then we feel the march towards the giddy heights of summer. The long days disappear into the falling embrace of autumn, and back into the deep clutches of winter. It is powerful when we tune into our group resonance and the powerful energies when in alignment with nature.
Chronological time is seen as an additional fourth dimension to our three dimensional space. We consider space as having length, width and breadth. Time adds depth. Picture a moment of your life as a frame in a movie or a hologram. The frame before will be the moment before and the frame after is the moment after. Imagine the event running backwards and forwards frame by frame. The moment is used as a pointer on your timeline.
In the fifth dimension and above, you can take all of the moments of your life and relive any moment as if you are experiencing this memory for the first time. You may experience past or parallel lives and their variations too. With practice you can also view the memories, holograms, or recordings of any living being or event. We live in a multi-dimensional universe and space and time are only part of the puzzle.
Our universe is alive and responds to the collective interactions of the observers within. Beyond space and time our universe is like an astral realm. So are a multitude of other similar universes like our own but with variation in the small details. There are countless vastly different universes too in the limitless imagination of the great cosmic energy of which we are all part of. When entering another universe, the old universe folds (collapses) inwards and the new universe will unfold (expand) outwards.
There are countless parallel timelines and we have lived countless lives on earth and other worlds. We are interconnected inter-dimensionally within soul groups and as networked superconscious energies. We access other soul groups from other dimensions too such as extra-terrestrial, mythical and ultra-terrestrial beings.
The reality we live in is edited based on information fed into the now from the moment before. Each moment we shift imperceptibly from one dimension to another as the weave of dimensions knot (merge or entangle) and unknot (split or disentangle) based on our own actions and those of others.
We can use Star Magic to entangle everyone into an energy field of unconditional love and universal compassion that is free of all fear. Emanate this pure divine love energy everywhere, and into everyone and everything, so that we all wake up and remember who we truly are. We are the essence of God, the Light Divine, of pure awareness, experiencing everything simultaneously and at once. The true light exists beyond time and space. It is self-nourishing, loving, peaceful and eternal.
Rediscover your wholeness with a healing session today.
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.
Become a master of your time by letting go and heal from within with our energy healing content in the Star Magic meditation library. Begin your energy healing journey, repair your DNA, and optimise your entire being for spiritual ascension.
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