Teleportation provides a solution for many of our transport and storage woes. By definition it is the instantaneous or near instantaneous transmission of energy from one set of space-time coordinates to another. Time travel involves a similar process except that you travel to a different time coordinate as well as, or instead of, different spatial coordinates. It is very possible to create or increase your ‘reality depth’ in another location or dimension so that this can rival or exceed the experiential lucidity of your physical reality. Remember that everything starts with your imagination, intention, and creative willpower.
There are several techniques for teleportation including focussed meditation, lucid dreaming, spiritual journeying, astral projection, and bilocation. These methods often require significant time and effort before tangible results arise and don’t require long development timescales and expensive technology. Many are internal methods and depend on internal spiritual and esoteric cultivation. There are also external technologies for teleportation like those seen in Star Trek and Doctor Who, which by the way really do exist.
Bilocation is the ability to become aware of two or more places at once through the lens of psychic perception. Remote viewing is like bilocation but without physically travelling there. This is when you can see or sense objects in another room, the events of a recent crime, or experience clearly and non-conceptually another reality on another world. You are normally aware of your physical body when remote viewing or bilocating. Bilocation is also referred to as dimension shifting.
Out-of-body experiences generally fit into four categories. These are mental projection where you project your consciousness beyond the physical body to another place. You picture it like watching a movie but you do not engage with any of the other senses. This is like daydreaming only much stronger. Astral projection is where your consciousness and the astral (emotional) body separate together from the physical body. You use all five senses plus those used by the astral body, and may have a sense of flying or floating. Etheric projection is where the consciousness, the astral body and the etheric body separate together from the physical body. The physical body is in a state of near catalepsy during etheric projection.
True bilocation is where the consciousness, astral body, etheric body and physical body are at two or more locations simultaneously. What people normally consider as bilocation is actually astral projection with clear focus. True bilocation requires creation of etheric and physical matter from a holographic blueprint powered by zero-point energy. A lot of practice, energy and focus are required to achieve results.
Entanglement, non-locality and tunnelling are what you use for teleportation. Nonlocality is action at a distance. For an action at one point to have an influence on another point, something like the holographic energy field, or superposition of energy waves, must lie in the space between the points. This energy field is described by the quantum wave function and when this collapses, there are left two non-zero points where a particle, or the physical manifestation of an energy field, can be located. This remains so until an observation confirms one point or the other.
Quantum entanglement occurs when two or more particles or objects interact so that the quantum vibration of each object cannot be described independently of the other object(s), even when the objects are separated by a large distance or/and time. This means that things are entangled regardless of how much space or time is between them. When applied to an energy field this ability works independently of scale because the energy field interacts with other energy fields including the energy field of all creation.
In Quantum tunnelling, an energy field describing the object bypasses a barrier and appears on the other side without any physical travel. The wavefunction of an energy field for an object contains information about the possibility of that object being located at a specific location. This is the superposition of the object, the potential of being everywhere and nowhere in any one instant of time. At any one moment this can freeze out to appear as a physical object, as a condensation of matter from energy. This illusion of form is maintained by our moment to moment observation believing in a solid real independent object and not the underlying energy field that is entangled with the consciousness observing and experiencing it.
You match, or harmonise, your energy field with an object at location A, by tuning into an aspect of the frequency relating to that object. You realise it is non-local by clearly understanding that, like everything else, it is potentially everywhere simultaneously. Then you bi-locate your focus to location C past an intermediate location B. You use your imagination and intention to know it is at location C by forgetting or letting go of location A. It reaches C without going through B. This can be done through advanced focused meditation with a level of concentration that visualises the whole and all the parts of the whole transferring from A to C. When attempting a successful teleportation, you must feel the frequency of the total environment and bring it back to your space locally, so you can match the total vibratory field. Then you can move.
To teleport you connect with the superconducting superfluid of the ether and intend a space-time coordinate change. You picture an object or your own body at the zero-point all of possibility. With your willpower and imagination you may hack or direct the observation process to collapse the superposition of waves that describes the energy field to a point potentially anywhere and anywhen you desire.
It requires superhuman effort to teleport your etheric and physical bodies. The degree of focus required is normally gained through many years of meditating, learning and remembering how to do so. To make things a little easier you can ask the Arcturians to place an invisible superconducting crystal plate to be anchored into the third eye. This reflects high vibrational light, aligns you with your higher self-aspects, and increases your capacity for ‘magical power’. This painless procedure improves and amplifies your connection with your higher self and helps with psychic development including telepathy, psychokinesis, and bilocation. It also aids in the facilitation of the teleportation of your etheric and your physical body by converting matter into etheric energy and back again at the point of bilocation.
Star Trek had the right idea. You use a teleportation machine which taps into zero-point energy, or another suitably powerful energy source, ideally one providing infinite energy. A powerful quantum computer buffers information so matter is correctly converted to energy at source and back again at destination.
By tuning into and resonating with a particular frequency of the energy field of a person, you can transport them to any location he or she can travel to. You could teleport them without turning them to energy or breaking them down into his o her basic molecules and beaming them. All you would need to know is their wavefunction (energy field) and alter it so as to alter their possibility of location to place them where you wish them to be. Then they would suddenly be at that location instantaneously.
Quantum teleportation is teleporting the wave, the state of the object or person and building a new object or person at the new location that possesses exactly the same information. For a person, this would mean that your body would be destroyed at your old location and recreated at the new location. You would place an extended field around a body and cause this field to go into superposition, and collapse the field superposition at a new location, carrying the body with it. Since your consciousness is already non-local, you would travel along with the wave as a continuum.
The transporter buffer stores or freezes the non-local energy stream to a temporary locality. Then you can transport this beam of energy to a different location for a specific mission. When designing a teleportation machine, a quantum computer interface is required to processes the teleport. Buffer storage is optional but it can be used to cleanse and heal the energised body of impurities and invaders. A living algorithm, such as Star Magic codes of consciousness, is run through the buffer on the holographic energy field stored there.
Place the quartz crystal or pyramid about 0.5 inch from your third eye with one point facing your third eye. Meditate on this point and feel or see energy between you and the crystal. Resonate with this energy at your third eye. At the zero-point you can choose to be still and move nowhere. Â Or you visualise the destination approaching you through a tunnel of light. This replaces your perception of physical reality. Crystals are receivers and transmitters of information and memory. You can also store memories in quartz and other crystals and retrieve later on, and transfer complex quantum information and consciousness too. Pyramid geometry provides additional energy that when connected can propel you anywhere and may be programmed for teleportation to particular extra-terrestrial locations.
Ask the light, your guides or your ascended masters to show you how to become one with the energy pattern, or imprint of the energy field of the light. This may be a glowing jewel or higher dimensional labyrinth you walk in your mind. Set your intention to teleport by feeling the love from the light of all creation, and from within your heart. Also, remain connected to the ethers which power the process through a direct link to zero point energy. You will go to wherever you picture in your mind instantly once the technique is perfected. The most challenging part is remembering the pattern of the light you may have already received!
Imagine you are in a lightship powered by an infinite improbability drive such as the one in the Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. As soon as the ship’s drive reaches infinite Improbability, it passes through every conceivable point in every conceivable universe simultaneously. Then you either wait to see what happens and experience disconcerting quantum effects, or project a strong multi-dimensional image of where you want to be and the place, world or environment of your choice, or one similar, will appear out of the void. This new reality will replace your old one because your focus is entirely on it and your consciousness has transferred over. A similar process occurs when we fall asleep or die. Whatever appears to our subtle internal mind will manifest as the reality that we experience. So choose wisely.
You can also use a Stargate or your Merkaba to travel quickly or teleport across dimensions. These will be discussed in depth in future blogs
Star Magic works seamlessly with extra-terrestrial healing techniques and modalities. This is because Star Magic contains the living codes of consciousness that facilitate DNA activation and healing at all levels of being. It also strengthens the power of effectiveness of cosmic healing technologies. By calling on the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, etc., we invite them to activate the Star Magic within us all. They will answer by performing whatever healing and psychic surgery is required in the now.
We live in a ‘quantum’ reality where we can affect change, and leave our bodies and teleport, with the power of our will. Star Magic is intuitive and a correct intention powered by unconditional love and compassion at the heart centre will result in positive change. Star Magic catalyses our connection and degree of healing from divine and extra-terrestrial sources.
I tune in to the frequency of a client, and feel and see the energy patterns, chords, and ties attached between things and people. Together with my guides, angels and cosmic extra-terrestrial light beings, I will connect with your higher self with heart centred energy. Surrender and allow the healing to filter through your whole being. Star magic helps tremendously as it allows the pure cosmic codes of consciousness to enter your body and alchemise change, rapid long lasting change.
If you would like to elevate your life, to a level beyond extraordinary and experience Star Magic energy healing click here
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