Our ancestors from ancient Atlantis and Lemuria knew of the existence of a unified cosmic field that lies at the roots of reality. This field of energy is also known as the Akashic Field and the quantum zero-point field.
The Akashic Field is the living and evolving memory of the universe. It collects, stores, integrates and conveys information. Everything is connected and alive and the Akashic Field is the web that connects us all.
Recent discoveries in vacuum physics show that the Akashic Field exists in reality. This field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise. The Akashic Field holds the record of all the histories and futures of Earth and the cosmos including the thoughts, feelings, and actions of all living beings.
The Akashic Records
The information written into the fabric of the Akashic field is the sum of all experiences over all your lifetimes in all universes. This field is alive and it grows like a foetus in a womb of light and energy. It is the memory created by the original consciousness storing the experiences of all that is, was, and will be.
The Akashic records are an archive of all events and personal experiences. These events and experiences are transcribed in complex images composed of pictures, sounds, and other sensory stimuli.
These images are imprinted as a pattern upon the subtle astral matter of the astral plane. The Akashic Record may be read when the reader is in a special altered state of consciousness. Then you can tap into the Akashic records and receive direct information about past ages.
The Akashic Records can be accessed through meditation, spiritual channelling, and during dreams. The information obtained can be remembered consciously upon awakening from a lucid dream.
Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce lived from 1877 to 1945 and was the most notable mystic and psychic who assessed the Akashic records. He read the Akashic records in the form of readings for individuals. During his lifetime performed thousands of readings for people all over the world.
Cayce gathered a vast wealth of evidence and information about how the Akashic Records actually work. He was also very well respected for all of his intuitive insights.
Cayce saw that the Akashic Records contained a history of every soul since the dawn of creation. These records connect you to everyone else. They contain the holographic template for every symbol, archetype, or mythic story that challenges your perception of life, contains stories that come alive, influences human behaviour, or from which you receive epiphanies about life, the universe, and everything.
Cayce says the records are everywhere and at every point in reality and beyond. He saw that the records are inscribed or imprinted in living light on a canvas of etheric energy.
The records are imprinted or encoded into energy and are continually rewritten based on our choices, thoughts, and emotion. He stressed that the records are written by you by your own free will and the choices that you make in the present. He reinforced also that our choices in the present moment allow the future possibilities to unfold in our lives from our Akashic Records.
According to Cayce, the Akashic records also contain all the future possibilities and potentials for your soul. He believed that we call into potential an array of possible futures. This happens when you live your daily life and learn subconsciously from the information already accumulated. In essence, your thoughts create your reality.
Erwin Laszlo & Unified Physics
The philosopher Ervin Laszlo says that science can now produce a unified theory of everything. He proposes that the zero-point energy field is also the universal information field backed up with evidence from cosmology, quantum physics, biology, and psychology.
Quantum physicists have recently discovered the Quantum vacuum. This vacuum is a super-dense cosmic frictionless medium that carries light and also all the universal forces of nature. These newest discoveries in the field of quantum physics show how the Akashic Field may indeed be real and have its equivalent in the zero-point field that underlies space itself.
In his book, ‘Science and the Akashic Field’, Laszlo shows that the Akashic Field is a super-dense sea of frictionless energy He also sees it as a sea of information that conveys the historical experience of matter. In his book, he states that the quantum vacuum generates the holographic field that is the memory of the universe. This field comes alive when we interact with it.
Laszlo also suggests that the Akashic Field is like a holographic blueprint. This has a living pattern imprinted with all that has been or ever will be. This is similar to Cayce’s assertion that the Akashic Records contain all that was and all that will be.
Primal Pattern & Holographic Blueprints
The Akashic Field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise. These include atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings, and consciousness.
The zero-point Akashic Field is the original source of all things that arise in time and space and it is the constant and enduring memory of the universe. It holds the record of all that has ever happened in life, on Earth, and in the cosmos and all that has yet to happen.
The Akashic Field is the primal pattern of all creation illuminating the information of life itself. The Akashic Field is the operating system for the universe to know how to become a universe, and how human beings know how to become human beings.
You and everyone else have a divine holographic blueprint. The original divine template and all memories of all lives and all realities are stored in the Akashic field of universal energy. Its negative or nothingness is known as Shunyata or ‘emptiness’. This is a deep knowing and understanding that all phenomena, including atoms, thoughts, persons, and spirit beings, do not have an independent existence.
The Akashic field is teeming with energy in the form of light codes and is also known as the multi-dimensional or universal information superhighway. It is many times more complex than the internet and all the minds on earth put together. If you can rewrite your Akashic Record you can liberate past memories and trauma liberated and thus increase your energy and wisdom for your future.
How to Access Your Akashic Record
When you think, dream, speak, or create, you are adding to this vast storehouse of living information. You can ask it questions and seek guidance via its many keepers and guides. Everything you need to know or feel about energy healing or scientific discovery, for example, can be accessed provided you have permission to access the information.
You may access your Akashic records on your first journey and it may take a while. Start with meditation and then journey with childlike wonder. Be full of love and enjoy the moment, and free of expectation of results. As with most things, repeated practice over time brings the best results.
Define your intention and prepare any questions before you enter the Akashic Records. Ask “I want to confirm the existence of the Akashic Records,” or “I want to experience the realm of the Akashic Records.”
It is normal to meet in the Akashic Records any number guardians, angels, extraterrestrials, and other spiritual energies. You may open a scroll, speak through crystals, enter a holographic movie or computer game, or hear sounds and receive messages without seeing anything. Everyone has unique experiences.
Stay in an open, receptive state, allowing information to enter your awareness. This could be visual or auditory or come in the form of a guide or angel. Then ask to speak to your guide or guardian and ask specific questions.
If nothing appears be calm and quiet and listen. If another being appears ask their name and clarify your question. After your experience, take the time to record what you accessed and write down any impressions or thoughts.
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