Alternative medicine practices are used instead of standard medical treatments. Alternative medicine is distinct from complementary medicine which is meant to accompany, not to replace (however it can), standard medical practices. Alternative medical practices are generally not recognized by the medical community as standard or conventional medical approaches. They are safer and often much more effective with long lasting results.
Alternative medicine includes dietary supplements, megadose vitamins, herbal preparations, special teas, massage therapy, magnet therapy, spiritual healing or energy healing with distant healing being top of my list.
Complementary and alternative medicine therapies fall into five major categories, or domains:
Alternative medical systems are built upon complete systems of theory and practice. Often, these systems have evolved apart from and earlier than the conventional medical approach used in the United States and other parts of the world. Examples of alternative medical systems that have developed in Western cultures include homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. Examples of systems that have developed in non-Western cultures include traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.
Mind-body medicine uses a variety of techniques designed to enhance the mind’s capacity to affect bodily function and symptoms. Some techniques that were considered CAM (complimentary and alternative medicine) in the past have become mainstream (for example, patient support groups and cognitive-behavioral therapy). Other mind-body techniques are still considered CAM, including meditation, prayer, mental healing, and therapies that use creative outlets such as art, music, or dance.
Biologically based therapies in CAM use substances found in nature, such as herbs, foods, and vitamins. Some examples include dietary supplements, herbal products, and the use of other so-called natural but as yet scientifically unproven therapies (for example, using shark cartilage to treat cancer).
Manipulative and body-based methods in CAM are based on manipulation and/or movement of one or more parts of the body. Some examples include chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, and massage.
Energy therapies involve the use of energy fields. They are of two types:
- Biofield therapies are intended to affect energy fields that purportedly surround and penetrate the human body. The existence of such fields has now been scientifically proven. Some forms of energy therapy manipulate biofields by applying pressure and/or manipulating the body by placing the hands in, or through, these fields. Examples include qi gong, Reiki, and the most powerful of all Star Magic Energy Healing.
- Bioelectromagnetic-based therapies involve the unconventional use of electromagnetic fields, such as pulsed fields, magnetic fields, or alternating-current or direct-current fields. All of these fields however can be affected in a truly positive way with the use of Star Magic Energy Healing.
Out of all of the alternative medicines and alternative approaches avialable I have found Star Magic to be the most profound. The results can ofteh be very fast, often instantaneous and long lasting. No longer do you have to wait for results with alternative medicine.
Star Magic goes to work at a cellular level where the Karmic Blue print is edited, thus allowing blockages within a client to instantly dissipate.
I normally run my sessions for between 15 and 30 minutes. If it’s your first treatment or you have an ailment of a more severe nature then a Full Healing Consultation is reccommended.
Find out more about Private Healing’s here.
Find out more about my Full Consultation Service here.
To here what my clients are saying go here.
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With Loving Energy,
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